What is DiDi?
DiDi is the world's largest ride-sharing platform. It's a seven-year-old, well-funded startup company that raised 9.5 billion dollars in 2017. Here is a
popular magazine article
about DiDi.
Where is the new DiDi Los Angeles lab?
We're in Westside Los Angeles, an excellent location convenient to beaches, restaurants, boating, bike paths, and shopping. Nice view from the office.
What does the lab focus on?
We focus on large-scale natural language processing problems, including communication between people and machines, and between people and people.
How big is the lab?
We are starting out with ten folks in 2018. We're a start-up lab inside a start-up company, so there is plenty of room to innovate.
Is there research?
Absolutely. Practical problems are a great inspiration for research. When we attack big unsolved problems, we naturally churn up important research questions.
Is there development?
Yes. Engineering plays a critical part in dissecting and solving hard problems, and we want to build things people use.
Is there interesting data?
Yes, we have access to millions of dialogs every week, plus plenty of non-linguistic data. The more people use language to get things done, the more data we collect.
Do I need to know Chinese?
Absolutely not. DiDi is expanding globally and operates in countries where people speak Chinese, English, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish, and others. Specialized machine translation makes it possible to visualize data in any language.
How about a new laptop?
For sure,
sticker it up.
How do I apply?
Apply for
Research Summer Internship (January 20, 2020 deadline, including separate rec letter)
I'm not on LinkedIn.
That makes sense. Just fill in the boxes and click Submit.
Any other questions?
Send to kevinknight@didiglobal.com.